Prot. Issue 1450 / Conclusion 1211
Information on Slavic and Vlach parishes is sought
Kingdom of Greece
The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece
Information on Slavic and Vlach parishes is sought
Kingdom of Greece
The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece
To the Most Reverend Bishops of the regions of Thrace, Macedonia and Epirus. The Holy Synod, wishing to know the number of our dioceses in which there are Slavophone and Vlach-speaking parishes, please forward, no later than the 10th of the next month of June, a detailed statement containing 1) the name of the village with such parishes, 2) the number of families which they comprise, 3) the names of each of the vicar priests, the date of their ordination and the name of
the Bishop who ordained them, their age, marital and property status, length of service, place of origin, school qualifications, national consciousness and their national activities, native language
and finally, the type and amount of their compensation.
Athens, May 24, 1939
(the names of all the Bishop at the Holly Synod follow)
Athens, May 24, 1939
(the names of all the Bishop at the Holly Synod follow)
Prot. Issue 19 / Conclusion 389
Replacement of any Slavic church icons in the Holy temples with Greek ones
Kingdom of Greece
The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece
Most Reverend Bishops of the Church of Greece
Replacement of any Slavic church icons in the Holy temples with Greek ones
Kingdom of Greece
The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece
Most Reverend Bishops of the Church of Greece
In view of the document number 59594/2523 of the Ministry of Religions and National Education (Antiquities Administration) dated December 17 last year, \by Synod Authorization, we invite you to proceed soon with the replacement of any Church Slavonic icons in the holy temples within your parishes, with other Greek icons.
Athens, January 4, 1941
"The prohibition of Slavic names in baptism (1937)
Prot. Issue 1219 / Conclusion 1150
So that Slavic names are not given in baptism
Kingdom of Greece
The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece
Most Reverend Bishops of the Church of Greece
Prot. Issue 1219 / Conclusion 1150
So that Slavic names are not given in baptism
Kingdom of Greece
The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece
Most Reverend Bishops of the Church of Greece
Following the number 582/598 of March 2nd 1934 Synod circular letter by which is forbidden on baptism to give the babies non christian names, having in mind the conf. prot. 417/436 and the April 23rd, current year, document of the Ministry of Religion, we kindly ask you to give all the appropriate instructions to your clergy to also refuse to give to the baptizing children also slavic names, as this is contrary to the State and Church intended goal on the attachment of each Greek and animating him to the sharp Hellenism and the preservation of our national language.
The Holy Synod leaves the way and the means to the success of the intended goal to the vigilance
The Holy Synod leaves the way and the means to the success of the intended goal to the vigilance
of the respected bishops. However, he asked the Ministry of Religion to act accordingly and
provide the priests with all appropriate assistance from the local Police authorities, if necessary.
Athens, May 20, 1937
(The names of the Bishops of the Holy Synod and the name of the secretary follow)"
Athens, May 20, 1937
(The names of the Bishops of the Holy Synod and the name of the secretary follow)"
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